Array Extensions Library- Unit Test This post is second in series of creating Array Extension Library In this post we will learn how we can add unit test cases to our library. We will use Jasmine framework to Unit test our library. For that, use below command. >> npm install jasmine As we have developed our library in typescript, it will convenient to add typing for Jasmine as well. To install typing for Jasmine. Use below command. >> npm uninstall @types/jasmine After running these commands, our package.config will look like Now, we will add new file named extension.spec.ts under test directory. In this file we will import extension library first. We will now define one class named Heros, Which we use to create Array and test all our extension methods against it. Now we will describe our test suite using describe function provided by Jasmine. And initialize arrays with our primitive and custom type(Heros) in beforeEach function ...
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